Progress on 10 metre Cross-band Repeater

9 Jan

We have more progress to report on this project (described below).  About 30 additional hours have been invested in the project. The 224.94 MHz link receiver had died, and we received a donated Icom 3AT as a replacement receiver. We are adding a tone board, and we should be into the on-air testing phase at the end of January.

10 metre Repeater Concept:

A couple of years ago, we had a donation of two Alinco 10 m FM radios.  Because of the very tight spacing of the TX, and RX frequencies (29.64 TX,  29.54 RX, tone 100 Hz), the receiver is at my site on Triangle Mountain, and the transmitter is in Esquimalt at the home of Hans VE7OES. Both sites are linked together on 224.940 MHz repeater pair, tone 100 Hz. (Not on the air currently).   You can use 224.94 MHz to talk to and from 10 m.

Expect to be operational end of January 2017.

…73 From AL VE7BEU….