Emergency Communications Team and WARA Nets

Net Summary (on WARA 146.84 Repeater System unless otherwise noted)

  • Monday Night Net 7 pm, All welcome
  • Trans-Canada IRLP Net Wednesday 8 am
  • ECT Net Wednesday 7 pm
  • YL Net Thursday 7 pm
  • DStar Trans-Canada Net on C-Module Friday 6 pm (starts east, then goes west)

Monday Night Net

WARA holds a weekly on-air Net every Monday on the VE7VIC Repeater System (146.840, 146.660, 224.140 and 444.875 MHz) and our IRLP Node 9005. The Net starts at 7:00 pm and includes announcements and check-ins.

Wednesday Night ECT Net

Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm, the Emergency Communication Team holds an Emergency Communication Net on the VE7VIC repeater system 146.840 MHz (-600 kHz) t100.0 followed by a simplex net on 146.580 MHz.

WARA Emergency Communications Team

Historically, WARA’s emergency communication role has been associated with the Canadian Red Cross. Over the past several years, Red Cross related activities have diminished as the Red Cross adopts alternative emergency communications protocols. In late 2023, the Red Cross dissolved our relationship and we have removed our gear from the building. This was a very amical change.

More recently, we have been working on cooperating and integrating with Emergency Management BC (EMBC) and the local municipalities within the Capital Regional District (CRD). In the event there is a local emergency incident (snow storm, tsunami warning, power outages etc.) ham radio operators will instinctively tune to the WARA repeater system to gather and share information. The role of WARA is to run a community NET focused on providing information to listeners, taking situation reports, and putting radio operators in touch with their local emergency operations center (EOC, if activated). In 2019 and 2023, this concept was explored with the highly successful “hams in the community” exercise with EMBC.

Another function that WARA could fulfill (which needs exploration) is that the WARA Net could be responsible for collecting ‘safe and well’ messages from the community to forward on to friends and relatives.  In such a scenario, an individual wishes to send a message via email would provide the message to an amateur radio operator where it would ultimately be forwarded to net control, or to a participant with access to Winlink (via packet, pactor or satellite).  Expectations would need to be set, including that replies may not be received and that the contents of the communication would be public, but such a service could take some load away from strapped conventional communication systems and other volunteer groups.

Every week, WARA runs a community net on Wednesday evenings coinciding with emergency nets conducted by the CRD and its Local Municipalities and Local Authorities.

For more information on becoming involved with the WARA ECT, contact Chris VE7ALB by using the Contact Form