Please join us for our regular Saturday morning ham breakfast, at the Appletree Restaurant in Admiral’s Walk, 1501 Admirals Road (in a shopping mall near Craigflower and Admirals Road with a Thrifty Foods store). Some people arrive as early as 08:00 when the restaurant opens, but most come between 08:15 – 08:30.
Hams “new and seasoned” meet informally over breakfast and/or coffee. Between 10 to 30 people normally show up. Come early to get a good seat!
You can:
- Discuss personal projects. Bring it along. Show and tell items are discussed. Mobile radios in the parking lot
- Discuss work party projects, e.g. at WARA repeater sites
- Ask about antenna build information
- VHF, UHF, HF we do it all
- Meet the WARA directors -ask questions about WARA, get answers
- YL table 3rd Saturday of the month, all women are welcome to join us if they wish.
See you there. Everyone Welcome….