Certified amateur radio operators are welcome to apply for membership. Westcoast Amateur Radio Association Membership is valid from January 1 to December 31. Annual Membership Dues are $40 for a Single Membership or $55 for a Family Membership (two or more related Amateur Radio operators at the same address).
As a WARA member, you can obtain a Club Badge with your name and call sign printed on it. All prices are quoted in Canadian Funds. The cost is $8 / $10 depending on pin fastener or magnetic fastener style. You may combine your order with your membership payment or order on-line at any time. Read Using PayPal for non-standard payments.
New members will receive or gain access to:
- Membership in the association
- Access and use of the club’s repeater network
- IRLP and Autopatch access codes
- Online Member’s Manual, IRLP and Autopatch Instructions (ask Membership Director for password)
- Constitution and Bylaws
To apply to the Board for membership, please complete the on-line application form.
You may pay your membership using your credit card through PayPal:
If you require further information, please contact WARA’s Membership representative at Contact Form or send a note by mail to:
Westcoast Amateur Radio AssociationPO Box 48047
Victoria, RPO UPTOWN, BC Canada
V8Z 7H5