Welcome to the Westcoast Amateur Radio Association. WARA is a registered not-for-profit society and charitable organization based in the Capital Regional District area of Victoria British Columbia, Canada. (See map).
Announcements and news items are sent by email to interested individuals. If you wish to be on our email Reflector list or have any questions, send us a note at Contact Us.
We have a large membership consisting of radio enthusiasts who have been issued an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate and call sign by Industry, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). The association operates a number of remote repeater stations on various frequency bands used for the purpose of improving local coverage and extending the range of mobile and portable radio equipment.
One of the top priorities of WARA was to rebuild the antenna tower at our primary repeater site. It was destroyed during a violent windstorm in December 2006. Thanks to generous donations, cooperation from the CRD, and many many hours of work by the technical team over the past decade, the VE7VIC Mt.McDonald repeater system is fully restored. Of course it is always a work in progress but there was a big push through 2018 and 2019 to complete the repairs and maintenance. Donations are always appreciated to cover ongoing expenses.
WARA has approximately 150 members and each year our club is involved in providing communications at Public Service events, and providing Training Courses for those wishing to become hams. In addition, WARA has a Monday Night Net which includes Swap and Shop. WARA also participates in the annual ARRL Field Day where we test our equipment and skills under simulated emergency conditions. Click on the WARA Departments menu item for more information.
We have a number of 2 m, 6 m, 220 MHz and 70 cm Repeater Stations in and around the Greater Victoria area as well as Autopatch phone service for WARA members. There is also an evolving HamWAN network on higher WiFi data frequencies and microwave. As a member of WARA, you are encouraged to use the repeater system, the IRLP nodes and phone patch, participate in nets, come to meetings, offer to sit on the board, chair committees and help organize events. We want you to feel free to ask questions, ask for help and get to know your fellow members. WARA has a long and proud history of public service. From marshalling of marathons and assisting with the Swiftsure Race to providing emergency communications, there are many opportunities for you to get involved. If you want to do something for your community and for the club, volunteer. Your help is always appreciated.
We maintain an excellent repeater infrastructure for local communications and we are always investigating and installing new innovations.