Friends of WARA Tower Fund

This web page is to recognize and to thank the individuals and organizations who have generously supported the Tower Fund.

During the violent record breaking wind storm on the night of December 13/14, 2006, WARA’s repeater tower on Mount McDonald was badly damaged. Because of the tower’s precarious nature, and because another wind-storm was imminent, the tower had to be cut down to save neighbouring emergency structures. There was no time to save parts of the tower or any of the antennas mounted on it. As a result, the tower and most of the antennas were destroyed.

It wasn’t long before a committee was struck to solicit contributions for the purchase and erection of a new tower. Alice Uher, VA7ALU, kicked-off the project in fine style with a cheque made out to the WARA Tower Project, presenting her cheque to Al Muir, VE7BEU, WARA’s President and Technical Director.

This tower was the centre for a network of radio repeaters that spanned Greater Victoria, the Gulf Islands and parts of Northern Washington. Its loss is keenly felt both by Amateur Radio operators and by emergency organizations. Because of the forest of antennas and guy wires in the immediate proximity of the downed tower, the CRD specified that any new structure must be free-standing, and engineered (no guy wires).

  • 2011 – Final contract with CRD has been signed and received.
  • October 2011 – Final contract with Bell Mobility is being completed for submission.
  • Spring 2015 – Antenna cable ducts finished and antennas ready for tower mounting.
  • December 2017 – January 2018 – All antennas mounted on main tower, heliax and coax run to repeater shack, repeater shack clean up and connect to new antennas
  • Spring 2018 – New contract to be made with CRD who are the current site owners.

WARA depends on the generosity of donors!


Patron (over $3000)
Victoria Airport Authority Contribution in kind
Muir Communications Confidential
Swiftsure International Yacht Race & Royal Victoria Yacht Club Tower replacement hardware fund.
Supporter (over $2000)
Donor (over $500)
Comprod Communications: Duplex antenna Filters Confidential
Contributor (under $500)
Kustom Towing Building moves in kind
Donald and Sharon Thomas
Ruth and Ian Noble
June Cook
Doug & Penny Watt
WARA Supporters
Alice Uher VA7ALU
Patty-anne Lea VA7PTY
John Darroch Baillie VA7BTL
E.G. White VE7CZY
Len Howland VE7BSA
Darrell Wick VE7OB
Darryl McLeman VE7AII
Bruce Martin VA7SGM
Orlene & Keith Lacey VA7KWL
Ruth Reader VE7BAG
Neil Blackburn VE7EDO
Paul Hill VE7PHI
Jerzy Pisarzewski VE7JRZ
Mike  VA7MLM
Ronald  VE7AIX
George VE7DJ


Estate donations and donations in memory of silent keys:

  • Neil Goldie VE7DAZ
  • Ford Warner VE7DDF
  • Whit Whittle VE7DCI
  • Joe Slyth VE7DVE
  • Mark McBride Georgia USA, Cousin of VE7DVE
  • Alex Barta VA7AB
  • Doug  VE7DFL
  • John  VE7GMP
  • Burt  KN7R