Morse Code Training – updated Spring 2020

Learning the Morse Code and passing your Canadian morse endorsement exam has never been easier, nor have the amount of resources out there to help you do so ever been better. WARA has recently updated its Morse Code segment of this website to try to encourage and assist more members to learn and enjoy the code. Download Larry’s brief slide show for some interesting and relevant information:.

Morse Code Modern Method Larry VE7EA

The advantages to using Morse are numerous: better signal to noise ratio and easier contacts under poor radio/antenna conditions, up to 40% additional spectrum space for you to use, low cost, efficient and easy to construct QRP (low power) equipment local or DX  (long distance) communications, a new community of like-minded highly skilled radio operators to join, numerous contesting/QSO/Net opportunities, increased enjoyment during Scouts on the Air “SOTA” and amateur radio field day activities, personal achievement benefits and mind “exercising”, among many others.

The “Koch Method” of learning teaches you the code at conversational speed levels in half the time that it took most amateurs to pass the old 5 WPM exam and then improve speed to a conversational (15-20 WPM) level. Focus is now on learning the Morse code as a “sound” at a reasonable speed, rather than as a series of memorized dots and dashes at a painfully slow rate. Honestly though, you will still need to spend about 15-30 minutes DAILY for about 3 months to learn the code well enough to pass your exam. If you cannot afford that time commitment now, start when you do – the winter months might be a good time! But after that 3 months you will be able to send/receive Morse at a speed of 15 to 18 WPM, pass the exam, you will know the “sound” of Morse and it will then open up an entire new world of amateur radio for you. Once you have learned the sound then increasing your speed level to even 40 WPM is easily doable with practice.

Furthermore, the Canadian exam allows you to send your code with an electronic keyer which helps you perfect your sending. WARA encourages modern technology and the easiest possible methods to help you with this task.

The methods are fully outlined in the slide show referred to higher up on this page. With modern software, an iambic keyer/oscillator and current online resources you can learn to send and receive Morse code easily in 3 months or less, in the comfort of your own home. It is not necessary to attend Morse classes and WARA does not currently offer them.  Larry Gagnon VE7EA is happy to act as an ad hoc, part-time mentor/elmer for any club member seriously interested in learning the code. The idea would be not so much to “teach” but to guide, help out on any sticking points, and perhaps pre-test prior to you taking the exam.

If learning the code appeals to you please thoroughly read WARA’s updated Morse Code website pages to get started. Any further questions contact:

Larry VE7EA:     lagagnon at



WARA Morse Code Course introduced by Art Jackson VE7FED


Track 1 – Introduction by Art Jackson

Track 2 – AOI intro

Track 3 – AOI

Track 4 – more AOI

Track 5 – SNT Intro

Track 6 – SNT


Track 7 – AOISNT

Track 8 – ERH Intro

Track 9 – ERH

Track 10 – AOISNTERH

Track 11 – DUC Intro

Track 12 – DUC



Track 14 – MLP Intro

Track 15 – MLP


Track 17 – FWY Intro

Track 18 – FWY



Track 20 – GBJ Intro

Track 21 – GBJ


Track 23 – KQX Intro

Track 24 – KQX



Track 26 – ZV Period Intro

Track 27 – ZV Period

Track 28 – Full Alphabet Period

Track 29 – 12345 Intro

Track 30 – 12345


Track 31 – Full Alphabet Period Nubmers

Track 32 – 67890 Intro

Track 33 – 67890

Track 34 – Full Alphabet Period Numbers

Track 35 – Comma Question Slash Dash

Track 36 Period Comma Question Slash Double Dash


Track 37 – 67890 Period Comma Question Slash DoubleDash

Track 38 – Full Alphabet Numbers Punctuation

Track 39 – MORE Full Alphabet Numbers Punctuation